Summer Executive Program

WASMA Summer Executive Program

Are you ready for the next stage of your career?

WASMA is seeking applications for our inaugural Summer Executive Program. This Program offers our senior Alumni members the opportunity to receive world-class mentoring from an executive in our mentor panel, all of whom have comprehensive expertise in top-tier positions at board level in various organisations to ASX 50 level.

The essence of the program is based around a straightforward principle: to connect our Alumni in emerging leadership roles with our esteemed industry leading Alumni. This connection is designed not only to foster their growth and success but also to uphold WASMA’s reputation for developing outstanding leaders within the resources sector.

We have planned for the program to span the summer months, commencing from mid-September and concluding in mid-February. This extended duration enables mentors and mentees ample time to cultivate their professional relationships and for mentees to further enhance their skills and capabilities under the guidance of their mentors.

Each mentor will be paired with one mentee, meticulously chosen from a competitive pool of applicants. Additionally, there is an intention to organize a formal event in mid-February, during which mentees will have the opportunity to showcase their journey and accomplishments to the mentors of the Summer Executive Program, along with invited guests.

Who should consider applying for this program?

  • Are you either new to an executive role or aspiring to attain one?
  • Do you possess a minimum of 15 years of professional experience, with at least five years spent in senior leadership roles?
  • Have you previously participated in a mentoring program?

Why should you consider applying?

  • If you have recently transitioned into your current role and seek guidance to ensure your success and enhance your executive acumen.
  • If you aspire to ascend to an executive position and require guidance in formulating strategies to navigate your path to success.

What we expect from you:

  • You must be able to clearly articulate your value proposition (Why this is important to you?)
  • You must be able to talk about your career and the experiences that shaped your personal development.
  • You must be motivated and committed to get the best out of this opportunity.

We anticipate that both mentors and mentees will allocate enough time to make contact fortnightly with a face-to-face meeting monthly.

While we acknowledge that each mentoring relationship will evolve uniquely, the WASMA Membership & Mentoring Subcommittee stands ready to assist with any inquiries or assistance that may arise throughout the program’s duration.

Proposed Timetable

An indicative timetable of the Summer Executive Program is provided below for your information:

Mid-September:              Mentee applications close.

End-September:               Senior Executive program commences.

October-end January:    Program duration

Mid-February:                 ‘Wrap up’ lunch event hosted by WASMA – Mentees to present to group

Apply Now

To formally apply for the program, each prospective mentee must complete an Application Form and submit their CV.

Applications close 5pm WST Monday 18 September 2023. No late applications will be accepted. No extensions possible.

Meet our Mentors

Alex Atkins

Non-Executive Director

Wayne Bramwell

Managing Director, Westgold Resources Limited

Ken Brinsden

Non-Executive Chair

David Flanagan

Executive & Non-Executive Chair

Tony James

Managing Director & CEO, Galena Mining Ltd

Neil Warburton

Executive & Non-Executive Chair

Reminder: Applications close 5pm WST Monday 18 September 2023. No late applications will be accepted. No extensions possible. Any questions? Email

Alex Atkins
Non-Executive Director

Ms Atkins has circa 10 years of non-executive director experience with listed companies and NFPs. She is currently a non-executive director of global contract mining company Perenti Ltd (ASX:PRN); Strandline Resources Ltd (ASX:STA) and Aquirian Ltd (ASX:AQN). She is a former director of the AusIMM and IWiM.

Alex has over 25 years’ mining industry experience across Australia and PNG in roles that find, design and run mines, regulate mines, in the Big Fours and on boards. Alex holds two Bachelor of Engineering Degrees and an MBA (Finance). Although Alex’s core competencies are as a mining engineer, geotechnical engineer & geologist, she has also developed strong skills in finance, strategy, risk and governance.

She is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a Chartered Professional Fellow of The AusIMM and Engineers Australia. She was one of 2018’s 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining (WIMUK) and was inducted into the Western Australian Women’s Hall of Fame in 2019″

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Wayne Bramwell
Managing Director, Westgold Resources Limited

Mr Bramwell is a metallurgist, mineral economist and company director with over 30 years international and domestic experience across listed and private companies. Starting as a production metallurgist in iron ore, Wayne has held executive positions across many commodities and in exploration, development and operating companies. Wayne is currently Managing Director of ASX listed Westgold Resources Limited.

In his current role, Wayne has lead an organisational and cultural reset of Australia’s 7th largest gold miner and can provide insight into the challenges and opportunities of building a more progressive, inclusive and growth focussed Australian gold miner.

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Ken Brinsden
Non-Executive Chair

Mr Brinsden is a Mining Engineer with approximately 30 years’ experience in surface and underground mining operations. Mr Brinsden graduated from the Western Australian School of Mines in 1993.  Between graduation and 2022 he worked for WMC Resources, Normandy, Central Norseman Gold Corporation, GoldFields, Iluka Resources, Atlas Iron and Pilbara Minerals in production, management, brownfields / green fields mine development, holding both various Executive and Board roles.

Mr Brinsden joined Pilbara Minerals as Chief Executive Officer in January 2016 and was appointed Managing Director and CEO in May 2016. He led the rapid development of Pilbara minerals through corporate development, financing, project execution and ongoing production at Pilgangoora such that it has become one of the leading lithium raw materials projects globally and facilitated Pilbara’s entry into the ASX 100.

Mr Brinsden joined Patriot Battery Metals as Non-Executive Chair in August 2022 and has previously been a member of the LME’s Lithium Committee.

Amongst Mr Brinsden’s pursuits in the community, he has been a member of the Dean’s Council at the University of Western Australia’s Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, a Council Member at the Western Australian School of Mines Alumni (WASMA) and a member of the Executive of the Chamber of Minerals and Energy in Western Australia. He is also an active participant in charitable causes throughout the community.

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David Flanagan
Executive & Non-Executive Chair

Mr Flanagan is a geologist with more than 30 years’ experience in the mining operations and resource development in Australia, Indonesia and Africa. David completed his studies at Curtin’s Western Australian School of Mines in Kalgoorlie and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

David has been recognised for his style of leadership through many awards including Governors Award for Giving 2011, Eisenhower Fellowship 2013, Western Australian of the Year 2014, and Member of the Order of Australia in 2018. David held the role of Chancellor at Murdoch University from 2013 to 2019

David was the founding Managing Director of Atlas Iron Limited. During his tenure at Atlas Iron he oversaw its growth from a junior explorer to an ASX Top 50 company, and the operator of three iron ore mines producing at a rate of 12Mtpa. David is currently Executive Chairman for Delta Lithium, Non-Executive Chairman of Battery Minerals Limited and Chair of the Australian Remote Operations for Space and Earth.

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Tony James
Managing Director & CEO, Galena Mining Ltd

Mr James is a mining engineer with over 30 years’ experience in mining operations and project development, predominantly in Western Australia. Tony is presently the Managing Director and CEO of Galena Mining Ltd (ASX:G1A), and a Non-Executive Director at Medallion Metals, and has had previous experience as a Managing Director for three ASX listed companies.

Tony has particularly experience in underground mining operations, having commenced his executive roles with Avoca Resources Ltd as COO and leading the feasibility study team into project development at the Higginsville Gold Mine; together with further operating and feasibility studies exposure at the Telfer, Pillara and Kapok Lead/Zinc mines, Kanowna Belle Gold Mine, Black Swan Nickel Mine, Lion Ore Nickel and Gold mines, Deflector and the Mt Morgans Tailings Project in Queensland. And now the successful building and commissioning of the Abra Lead/Silver mine in the Gascoyne district of Western Australia.

In between some of these projects, Tony has also worked as an independent consultant providing over-site and recommendations to several clients including company boards and finance companies.

Whilst working as a Managing Director, Tony was involved in M&A activity with two companies (Mutiny Gold and Atherton Resources Ltd) successfully guiding each through a merger and takeover process to the benefit of stakeholders. With these experiences, Tony is well-placed to provide insights into strategic and operational aspects of leadership at executive level across several commodities


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Neil Warburton
Executive & Non-Executive Chair

Mr Warburton is a mining engineer with over 40 years of experience in all areas of mining operations, including over ten years in CEO and Managing Director roles in ASX-listed and private companies. Mr Warburton has worked within the mining industry his entire career in roles ranging from underground miner through to senior mining engineer to executive and non-executive directorships managing large mining and contracting companies. Neil is presently the Non-Executive Chairman of Belararox Ltd (ASX:BRX)

Neil has an Associate Degree in Mining Engineering from the WA School of Mines, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Chairman of the Australian Mining and Prospectors Hall of Fame Foundation, Councillor of the Western Australian School of Mines Alumni association and serves as a director on several smaller private companies.

Over the period 2000-2012, Mr Warburton held senior positions with Barminco Limited culminating in his appointment as Chief Executive Officer from August 2007 to March 2012. During his time at Barminco, he managed the day-to-day Australian operations and coordinated the international expansion into West Africa and Egypt, establishing the company as the largest underground hard rock contractor in Australia and West Africa and more than doubling Barminco’s revenue. Prior to joining Barminco, Mr Warburton held several senior corporate positions included serving as Managing Director of Coolgardie Gold NL from 1990 to 1995.

Neil’s comprehensive experience across the mining value chain in contractor and owner-miner organisations allows him to provide special insights into operational challenges and solutions to those mentees seeking opportunities in these areas.

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