The Mining Magazine awards celebrate innovation and commitment to advancing the face of mining, not just technologically but also sustainably and in an environmentally respectful manner.
We are delighted to learn that WASMA’s Premium Partner Sandvik has won the Drill and Blast Award. Congratulations guys

Sandvik DD422iE

Sandvik launched the first battery-trammed mining jumbo, the DD422iE, in 2016. By using electric energy from an on-board battery during tramming, the DD422iE produces zero emissions while maneuvering between headings. Using the mine’s existing electric infrastructure, Sandvik drive-line technology enables the battery to recharge during the drilling cycle. The battery will even recharge while DD422iE is tramming downhill, using energy generated by the braking system.

Author: WASMA

The history of the Western Australian School of Mines Alumni (WASMA) reflects the ups and downs of the Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) and the role it has played in supporting graduates in a range of activities and events. It also describes the important role that graduates have played in ensuring WASM remains in Kalgoorlie. Learn more.