Resolute Mining Limited is proud to be the inaugural sponsor of the WASMGA Gender Diversity Scholarship. The full scholarship will provide the successful female with $30,000 over three years to support their study and gain an insight into the international gold mining industry. As part of the scholarship, the recipient will be offered vacation work at Resolute and be provided with mentoring opportunities throughout her period of study.

Resolute are seeking someone who is passionate about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) and the mining industry and wants to give back and encourage the next generation of young women into STEM.


Scholarship to open soon.

Author: WASMA

The history of the Western Australian School of Mines Alumni (WASMA) reflects the ups and downs of the Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) and the role it has played in supporting graduates in a range of activities and events. It also describes the important role that graduates have played in ensuring WASM remains in Kalgoorlie. Learn more.