Dear fellow WASMGA members, I have been made aware of an issue in relation to mining related degree graduates being unable to graduate due to their lack of the required industry experience (480 hours). According to the correspondence from Wayne Clark – Director Student Engagement, faculty of Science and Engineering, Curtin, there could be as many as 30% of undergraduates unable to graduate. As an industry professional and in my capacity as a WASMGA Council member and member of the Scholarship and mentoring sub-committee I ask you that if you are in a position to assist in the hiring of undergraduates (and graduates for that matter), that you seriously consider doing so. This is an issue that ultimately will affect all of us. If we cannot contribute to the learning experiences of future professionals in our industry then we have no case to complain if we are not happy with what we ultimately get. You may be surprised as to the early contribution these industry professionals can make to your organisation, I know we have recently hired three of them. Despite the fact that we are in a period of relative downturn within the industry and a lack of investment confidence I am sure that one day we will be in a position where this is no longer the case. The cost of this investment is not material in the success or failure of your organisation. The cost of not investing in our future human resources and industry professionals is far greater. As a member of the WASMGA I would of course encourage you or your organisation to consider WASM graduates ahead of other institutions, I believe as a WASM graduate and WASMGA member you have an obligation to give back to the organisation that supported you in getting you to where you are today. If we want industry ready graduates we all have to step up to the plate. If you can help, please contact Raelene Newnham, in the first instance and she will either direct your enquiry into the right area or put you in contact with candidates directly. Many thanks for your consideration Barry Upton Managing Director

Author: WASMA

The history of the Western Australian School of Mines Alumni (WASMA) reflects the ups and downs of the Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) and the role it has played in supporting graduates in a range of activities and events. It also describes the important role that graduates have played in ensuring WASM remains in Kalgoorlie. Learn more.