Potash play seeks $4min ASX float
Josh Chiat kalgoorlie Miner

WA School of Mines graduate and former Energia Minerals chief Keren Paterson is plotting a return to the head of an ASX-listed company, with her potash play Trigg Mining lodging its pro-spectus this week for a $4 million float.
Trigg controls about 2670sqkm of lake country in the northern Goldfields considered prospective for potassium brine.
It has appointed CPS Capital as lead manager to raise $4 million through the issue of 20 million shares at 20¢ a piece, but could take oversubscriptions of up to $2 million for a $6 million raising.
Ms Paterson, a Kalgoorlie-trained mining engineer whose career in the Goldfields mining industry includes a stint managing the Frog’s Leg underground mine, is the company’s managing
Trigg’s chairman Mike Ralston said the company was looking to fill the world’s growing need for fertiliser to underpin crop production. Trigg has set an exploration target at the Lake Rason prospect,
part of its Laverton Links project,of 2.6-9.3 million tonnes of drain-able SoP with a weighted average grade of 4.3-6.3kg.

Read More on Keren Paterson and Trigg Mining

Author: WASMA

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